
The soft melody kisses my wound

Im in a field of wildflowers glistening with each ray of sun.

Bird’s foot trefoil rings in a distant memory

The light of the sun touches my hand

And I turn my palms upward, reaching, feeling the warmth

Closed eyes, but my heart wants to open itself.

To let beauty in. to let the sun love me-

Since when was it so tedious a task

To let anything in

But my own darkness.

Silence feels like peace

How long has it been?

Having exiled myself into remorse and ire

Such a tear dares to leak from my eye and runs fast down my face

Perhaps to escape the aching body it had inhabited

The voices in my head were quiet now

Instead the flowers spoke and sang

Bidding me to lay amongst them

To feel their small but multitudinous petals

The wind played with them

Swaying together singing their song

I looked down at my arms and legs

All my scars slowly fading away

The sun was healing them all

And the flowers beamed in the light

Andlaughed when I smiled

Fathoming my thoughts

Freedom was right there, in the midst

Of wild flowers and healing rays of sunlight.

In the brisk air that carried the very source of my existence

And no one could take that away from 

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